Positus Messenger was developed for small businesses, to solve a single problem: using your WhatsApp on multiple machines.
How does WhatsApp Enterprise work?
WhatsApp Enterprise enables direct communication with your customers, automating messaging and notifications, and integrates chatbots, customizing service to your business. Generating more opportunities by optimizing activity performance, the efficiency of your e-commerce and support staff.
How to get a verified WhatsApp account?
To access the official API you must have an official provider, the company responsible for sending data to WhatsApp for verification and verification of business accounts - if your company does not already have it, the business account will be created and the number activated. be certified in two ways: verified official business account or verified business account.
How to use the WhatsApp API
Positus hosts and manages WhatsApp containers in a highly available and geographically redundant infrastructure, providing an easy REST API to integrate with your applications.
Free Setup
1k conversations
20 Service Licenses
Extra License: 15.00 USD
Notification/Conversation24h: Facebook + Tax + 0.01 USD